A Governing Board is a decision-making body established within each school, according to Section 42 of the Education Act of Ministère de l’Education.
Governing Boards assist in defining policy guidelines and operating procedures to meet the needs of all students. They are responsible for issues touching on the financial, educational, and operational life of the school, including the development of school policies.
All Governing Board decisions must be made in the best interest of ALL students within the school.
Our Governing Board (GB) comprises 18 volunteer members: 16 voting members and 2 non-voting members. The 16 voting members include 8 parent representatives and 8 school staff.
Parent representatives are elected for a two-year term during St. Edmund’s Annual General Assembly, by the parents at large.
We review and approve the following throughout the year
• Annual school budget and annual daycare budget • Anti-bullying and anti-violence plan • Rules of conduct and the safety measures of the school • Time allocation for compulsory or elective subjects • School dress code (if applicable) • School consumable fees • Field trips (school and/or daycare) • Fundraising initiatives (school-led and/or PPO-led) • Use of school premises and immoveables
Meetings are held monthly.
All meetings are open to the public, so all parents are encouraged to attend.
Minutes and agendas are public documents that can be found on the St. Edmund website.
Contact us by email at st_edmund_gb@lbpearson.ca.
Peg Brunelle Gregory Carlson (Secretary) Pamela Lee (Chair) Ronnie Lewand Stephanie Meyers Nora Salvaggio Joshua Taylor Zoe Valadez Watson
Victoria Bradshaw Nathalie Duhamel Pina Fulginiti Cheryl Lynn Hamilton (Daycare) Emma Hampton Kayla Moore Guylaine St. Georges Josee Veilleux
Melissa Hunter - Principal (ex-officio)
Georgiana Laudi Karina Tarapore
Patricia Carroll
Michel Besner Commissioner -Ward 9