Social and Educational Extended Day (SEED) & Lunch Programs
Lunch hour: 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
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Daycare & Lunch Program Rules and Regulations
2022-2023 |
- Lunch fees are 2.25$ a day for the 2021-2022 school year. Payments are due on the 1st, or 20th of each month. Cash, Interac and online payments are acceptable forms of payment.
- Occasional users are charged $5.00 per student per day for the lunch program. All students who stay for the lunch program are required to pay lunch supervision fees. Non-payers will be required to leave the program.
- We are responsible for all of the students enrolled in our program. Therefore no child will UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be permitted to leave the program without the parent presenting themselves at the front office to sign the child out.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school to eat at neighboring restaurants without an adult to accompany and supervise them.
- Students enrolled in the program are expected to bring their own lunch, fruit juices, snacks and cutlery. We do not supply can openers or bowls. Due to the age of the school and our current electrical situation microwaving on a daily basis is not feasible. Please make sure your child’s hot lunch is in a plastic thermos.
- Please avoid sending soft drinks, junk food, chocolate and candy e.g. fruit roll-ups. Milk and other nutritious beverages are recommended. Please do not send your child with glass containers. Gum is not to be chewed on school premises.
- Riverview is a peanut and nut safe school. Please read package labels and avoid any products that may contain peanuts. Safety is our priority.
- There are no refunds for absences. Prolonged illness with a doctor’s note will be looked into.
- All outstanding accounts at the end of the school year will be sent to the Lester B. Pearson School Board for collection.
- No student with an outstanding account may register for the following school year.
- If there is a change in your child’s schedule, for instance your child is not staying for lunch please call the daycare office 514-762-2717, school office or send us a note to let us know. Thank you.