Physical Education

Health, fitness, sportsmanship and respect are all important components of the Physical Education Program. Our students gain a sense of self-responsibility for their health and fitness through developing a repertoire of movement skills and cognitive strategies. Also important is teaching them to manage their health wisely and displaying positive attitudes when interacting with others during physical activities.

Students in Kindergarten, Cycle 1 and 2 receive 90 minutes of physical education every week.

Students in cycle 3 receive 120 minutes of physical education every week.

If for some reason your child cannot participate, a note stating the reason is necessary. If your child must be exempt for several consecutive classes, a note from your child's physician is required.

The Phys. Ed program expands beyond the class time gym activities by students having the option to participate in a variety of school board tournaments throughout the year such as handball, track and field, cross country running, basketball, ultimate Frisbee and volleyball.

Students are required to wear shorts or jogging pants, T-shirts and running shoes for gym. It is important to wear running shoes that are reserved for indoor use as running shoes worn outside accumulate dirt, become worn and do not provide the required traction and support. Please note the gym day(s) of your child and ensure that the appropriate clothing is worn on those days.