Personal Counselling


Personal counselling is a sometimes misunderstood aspect of what the LBPSB Guidance Team provides. Because of the ratio of students we commonly work with, we seldom get the opportunity to stay with any student for long-term therapy, but tend to refer those cases to outside resources. We are often in the position of on-site crisis intervention and liaison with school personnel and outside sources. We do not offer psychotherapy, but rather provide supportive interventions.

The Guidance Team commonly deals with students’ psycho-social challenges [ex. performance anxiety, lack of motivation, mental disorganization, family difficulties...] that interfere with a student’s functioning in the classroom. We facilitate personal growth through transitions [orientation to high school, of new students, planning for graduation and options after high school...] and coach students in adaptive vs. maladaptive coping behaviors.

Thus, the presenting problem for most of our counselling sessions is often for academic / career planning, but the issues very often evolve into something more personal and acute standing in the way of those longer term goals. Our therapeutic training gives us the flexibility to meet students’ needs in the best way possible.