The students at Children’s World Academy must be prepared to work at building peace in their world by studying the social conditions in their environment and by using what they have learned in school in day to day living.
Taking action and Community Service extend the focus beyond the classroom and encourages responsible, caring participation in one’s local setting and in the wider world. Through firsthand experience the student learns how other people live while contributing something of benefit.
Students should demonstrate commitment and curiosity through their activities. Students should be creative in their pursuits.
Taking action involves the students on a voluntary basis, performing a task that will respond to a problematic and will benefit a segment of their community, be it in the family, the school, the neighborhood or the world.
We strongly encourage students to take action, whatever big or small it may be! Parents are encouraged to notify the principal, the IB coordinator or classroom teacher of any action taken by their child so we can recognize their effort with the entire school community. To this end, we have created a “Taking Action” printable form that is available on our website.
For more information about how community service cards work, you can contact our PYP coordinator, Mr. Guy Walker, at