For Parents - Kindergarten - Frequently Asked Questions


Dear Kindergarten Parents:

Welcome to CWA!  We realize that you may have hundreds of questions about your child’s first experience at school, and we have compiled this list in order to try to be helpful in answering a few. The answers are brief, and may not provide the detail you seek, so please remember to contact us if you need further information or if you have any different questions.

  1. What happens on the first day?

  2. Where do I drop off/pick up my child?

  3. What Daycare Services are available?

  4. Are bus services available for kindergarten students?

  5. What food services are available at lunch?

  6. What happens if my child becomes ill or is injured?

  7. Where are the toilets for kindergarten students?

  8. How many K classes are there?

  9. My child has special needs. What services are available?

  10. Will my child receive a report card?

  11. What will my child’s day be like?

  12. Where do I purchase uniforms?

  13. What kind of field trips will my child be going on?

What happens on the first day?
  • At CWA we have a gradual entry for kindergarten that extends over three days with students coming part of each day.  You will receive a letter at the end of June that explains what your child’s specific entry schedule will be.

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Where do I drop off/pick up my child?
  • Morning Entry for all students takes place through the main playground at the back of the school.  Kindergarten students are dismissed through the kindergarten play-yard at the front of the school along Menard St. Follow the instructions in the welcome letter regarding the drop off / pick up times during the 3 – day gradual entry period.  Parents using the daycare should drop-off/pick up through the daycare entrance which is off the staff parking lot.

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What Daycare Services are available?
  • Before and after school daycare services are available for all students. The hours are from 7:00 – 7:45 a.m. and 2:30 – 6:00 p.m. If you will require daycare services you will need to register your child in the daycare. 

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Are bus services available for kindergarten students?
  • Yes. Busing services will start as of the first full day that kindergarten students are in school (which based on the gradual entry is the fourth day). Busing services are available according to the guidelines established by the Lester B. Pearson School Board. Check the school board website for more details and specific information.

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What food services are available at lunch?
  • All students eat lunch in their classrooms during the lunch hour. A hot meal service is available two days  each week (Wed. and Fri.) through Chartwells – the school board’s food service provider.  The school provides microwaves to heat lunches three days per week (Mon, Wed, and Fri.). Occasionally special lunches (pizza, subway, etc) are provided. You will receive notices ahead of time about when these special lunches take place.

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What happens if my child becomes ill or is injured?
  • Your child’s well being and safety is our primary responsibility. Our staff members have training in basic first aid and Parents are informed about any illness or injury as soon as our staff becomes aware of them.  Children are kept at the office until they can be picked up by their parents.

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Where are the toilets for kindergarten students?
  • Each of the kindergarten classrooms has its own toilet.

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How many K classes are there?
  • CWA has 4 kindergarten classes, each typically having 20 students.

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My child has special needs. What services are available?
  • CWA has many support services and professional consultants to assist students/families with special needs. We have a full time resource teacher, French literacy specialist, Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, and student Counsellor. We also have partnerships with a variety of outside organizations, including the local CLSC that assist in providing services. We will meet you with our team to determine the support plan  that is best suited to your child’s and which will meet his/her needs.

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Will my child receive a report card?
  • Yes. Kindergarten students receive an interim report as well as three formal report cards (one at the end of every term). More details about how your child will be evaluated can be obtained from your child’s teacher.
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What will my child’s day be like?
  • The daily routine varies somewhat from teacher to teacher, but the day is very structured with the focus on routines. Students will have a weekly schedule that includes phys. ed., music, drama, math enrichment, computers, and library. During the gradual entry period, students will be gradually introduced to the physical environment of their classroom, the building, and the people who work in the school and who they will see on a daily basis. Your child’s teacher will be able to answer more specific questions about what happens in class and in the school on a day-to-day basis.

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Where do I purchase uniforms?
  • Uniforms can be purchased from MONI Inc., our official supplier. Other brands/suppliers are acceptable as long as they comply with the requirements of the CWA school uniform policy. Click here for information for information about the uniform policy.

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What kind of field trips will my child be going on?
  • In Kindergarten, students will be participating in a wide variety of outings and field trips. Generally there is at least one outing associated with each of the 6 units of inquiry. Details about each trip along with permission forms will be sent out to you prior to the date of each outing.

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