So, your child is starting Kindergarten...
Wondering how you can help make this milestone a joyful experience for you and your child?
Self-Help Skills
Teaching your child to be as autonomous as possible is a great way to prepare for Kindergarten. Children feel empowered, confident and proud when they learn to do everyday things on their own.
As obvious as some of these skills seem, children need to be taught how to do them:
- going to the toilet, flushing the toilet and washing hands
- getting dressed on their own
- organizing personal belongings
- hanging up their clothes
- cleaning up after themselves
- using a recycling bin for paper
- being polite by using words such as; please, thank you, hello, excuse me…
- not interrupting when someone is speaking
- receiving gently; not grabbing
- learning that it is OK not to always be first
- learning to share attention (you can practice this at home using adults as role models)
- taking turns (game playing is great for practicing this skill)
Fine Motor Skills
Some children need more practice manipulating tools such as scissors, pencils etc. They need your assistance, guidance and regular practice to use these tools correctly. Make sure that your child has ample time to practice these skills before they begin their school year.
- holding a pencil, marker, crayon correctly
- using blunt scissors
- putting marker tops on markers, lids on containers
- buttoning, zipping attaching
- using a glue stick; putting on the lid
Gross Motor Skills
- pitching, catching, bouncing large rubber balls
- going up and down stairs safely and with confidence
Cognitive Skills
It is important to build a strong knowledge base.
In order to help us in this endeavor we ask you help in reviewing the following item listed below. These skills are learned best through games, song and interactive activities. Storing of information for accurate recall is more likely to occur if the information is presented in different modalities, has meaning, and is enjoyable.
- recognizing name
- knowing first and last name
- knowing parents full name
- beginning to know home telephone number
- recognizing numbers from 1-10
- recognizing shapes and colours
- recognizing upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
Thank you for your supporting your child during this exciting and stimulating period of their life.
We look forward to getting to know your child in the upcoming school year.
Please click here to download this information in pdf format.

- Begin talking about school several weeks before the first day.
- Make it a daily routine to spend a few minutes talking about school activities.
- Explain what goes on there.
- Talk about the fun activities such as story time, playtime, and snack time.
You can hold a dress rehearsal for kindergarten a few days before school. Your child should start sleeping his/her twelve-hour nights. Wake him/her up at the time you would on a school day, dress him in school clothes and drive to the school. Talk through the routine. Finally, don't let your own nervousness show. If your child senses your anxiety, he may also become upset.
It would be helpful if you could teach your child to:
- Print his name (e.g. David-not DAVID).
- Tie his/her shoes (regular bows).
- Dress him/herself (button coats and use zippers). Snowsuits: One piece is faster and less complicated.
- Acquaint him/her with the way to and from school.
- Encourage him/her to be at school ON TIME.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to having a wonderful year!
Please click here to download this information in pdf format.
The Children’s World Academy Kindergarten Teachers