A Parent Participation Organization (P.P.O.) is a group of parents who come into to the school to help out with activities and enhance the daily lives of the students.
- It is a great way to meet new people.
- It shows your child that you care about their education and school life.
- You get to know the great kids of Sunshine Academy
“Studies show that children do better when parents are involved in school life. Parent Participation Organizations are the means by which all parents can contribute in a flexible way and to the degree that they are comfortable with.”
We organize special events, have specialized committees, and enhance the day-to-day lives of the school community.
- Welcome Back-to-School Activities (such as Corn Roast, Freezie give away or BBQ).
- Halloween activities (such as haunted houses, special gifts, or hiring a magician).
- Family Movie Night.
- Scholastic Book Fairs.
- Family BBQ at the end of the school year.
- Work at the library.
- Help out the teachers for various activities.
- Calling families of absent children.
- Sell TCBYs, Pizza, and Subways.
In addition to these fun-filled activities the P.P.O. is responsible for fundraising. Our fundraising efforts include:
- P.P.O. Wednesday lunches (which consists of Pizza and Subway).
- Various catalogue sales.
- Annual bake sale.
- Sunshine Academy Cook Book.
The proceeds from these activities are used in ways that directly benefit the children of Sunshine Academy by paying for all the fun events that were mentioned above as well as:
- $5 voucher for every child for the last book fair of the year
- $10 field trip subsidy for every child in the school
- Halloween Activities
- Help subsidize events that teachers would like to plan for the children but don’t have the funding for
- Teacher allocation, which gives teachers money to purchase items for their classrooms
- Donate money for the Christmas Baskets for needy families within our own school community
- Staff Appreciation Week
The P.P.O. of Sunshine Academy endeavors to meet the needs of the students and staff of the school, the natures of which are constantly evolving and changing.
If you are interested, we would love to welcome you as a new member. Whether it is one day a week or one hour a month – any help is greatly appreciated and need.
We have monthly meetings to discuss how our past events went and plan for the upcoming events. Don’t worry if you are not able to attend the meeting as you can be kept informed through our email list.