IB Middle Years Programme: Grades 7 - 11


The Middle Years Programme is comprised of 8 subject areas:

Language & Literature English Language Arts
Language Acquisition French and Spanish
Mathematics Mathematics
Arts Drama, Integrated Performance, Music & Visual Arts
Individuals & Societies Sciences Humaines, Histoire, Géographie,
Monde Contemporain, Finances en jeu
Design Technology
Physical & Health Education Physical Education
Sciences Science et technologie, Environmental Science,
General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics


As well, as being assessed using ministry objectives, students also receive two MYP report cards each academic year. There are four assessment criteria for each of the eight subject areas.

Subject Area Criteria A Criteria B Criteria C Criteria D
Language & Literature Analyzing Organizing Producing Text Using Language
Language Acquisition Comprehending
spoken and
visual text
Comprehending written
and visual text
Communication in
response to spoken,
written and visual texts
Using language in
poken and written form
Mathematics Knowing and
Communicating Applying
Mathematics in the
real-life context
Sciences Knowing and
Inquiring and
Processing and evaluating Reflecting on the
impact of Science
Design Inquiring and analyzing Developing ideas Creating a solution Evaluating
Individuals & Societies Knowing and
Investigating Communicating Thinking critically
Arts Knowing and
Developing skills Thinking creatively Evaluating
Physical & Health Education Knowing and
Planning for
Applying and performing Reflecting and
improving performance


Annually students receive two IBMYP report cards indicating their level of achievement in each of the eight subject areas.


Completion of the Middle Years Programme

At the end of the MYP students will receive an IB diploma after successfully completing the personal project, fulfilling their community & service hours and passing all courses relating to the 8 subject areas in Year 5. 

Students opting to pursue the official MYP certificate will be required to:

  • Complete on-screen exams in Individuals & Societies, Interdisciplinary Learning, Language & Literature, Mathematics and Science.
  • Complete ePortfolios in Language Acquisition (French) and Physical & Health Education

Successfully passing all on screen exams, all ePortfolio requirements and the personal project will result in the issuing of the IBMYP certificate in the fall following graduation.